Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Writing Sample

I strongly disagree that the referee is always right because we watched a video and it was of the soccer world cup in the 1900’s and the goalie came charging into one of the german on purpose I think and gave them a concussion and the ref said “goalie’s kick” when the german had to be stretchered off. Yes it was a hard decision but he chose the wrong one and another time the referee was standing straight on from the goal and the ball bounced and hit the pole at the top of the goal and bounced out but the referee called it a goal.

Some decisions the referee makes are good ones but some of the are not. My family are big rugby fans the slightest knock on or forward pass they have an opinion straight away and if the referee doesn't call it they will go crazy all the referees do is check the tmo when they don't think it was a try I think they should check everything and if the referee misses something they video proof.

Yes the referees can make bad decisions on some games and they can make some good decisions but after all they are the referee and you can't really argue with that especially if you are playing and you do have to respect the referee

In conclusion i think that the referee can’t always make good decisions, after all, they aren’t perfect and sometimes it is good that they aren’t always correct otherwise there wouldn’t be much game time now would there.

By Caitlan

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caitlan!

    My name is Ellee and I will be blogging with you this summer for the Summer Learning journey!

    Wow! What great writing!I am glad that in your conclusion you decided to defend referees because I think they have a very hard job! (even though it is annoying when they make a horrible call!)
    I am sure you have had it happen to you when you have been playing netball too? (its quite hard to watch 14 players at a time running around on a netball court!)
    Hopefully I will be able to read some more of your writing over the Summer through the summer learning journey activities!

    If you want to check out the Summer Learning Journey website you can follow this link: https://sites.google.com/site/summerlearningjourney/

    Here is also a link to the weekly activities:

    Remember each activity is worth points so make sure once you’ve finished an activity post it up on your blog so we can add it to your total!

    Hopefully I'll see you blogging over the summer soon!

    Ellee :)


Thanks for you comments.